


Fehér Elephánt M.C.
+36 (1) 318-17-88
+36 (30) 394-68-52


Belvárosi Zene Nonprofit KFT

Budapest 1052 Vármegye u. 7

+36 (1) 318-17-88
+36 (30) 394-68-52

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"Yes I wonder"
(Swing Rhythm Revival)


Who is Annah Dániel?
BUDAPEST WEEK, 1999.december 11.

Dániel Annah Budapest's ubiquitous jazz, swing and blues babe AnnahDániel's experience, idols and influences belie her tender 24 years. Her sultry, silken voice delivers speakeasy perennials twice her age, from the deified catalogues of Kahn, Berlin, Ellington, Gershwin and, ahem, The Beatles.
Though citing Billie, Dinah end Ella as role models, her brisk phrasing is more reminiscent, to these ears, of that queen of clean jazz cabaret Cleo Laine. In three years of lulling the lounge lizards of Budapest, Dániel has played an amazing 250 gigs, or there-abouts, accruing a certain pseudo-sophisticate thirtysomething following along the way. But why work so hard? "Because I am cold", says the demure singer.
Well, I guess it's a good way to keep warm these nasty winter evenings …
"No, no! Someone will always call me, so I play."
Ah, because she's called. Offstage as well as on, Annah's voice slides into the ear much as does an oyster down your suitor's throat - without friction.
As it happens, watching and listening to Annah Dániel and her band may indeed be a god way to ward off the chill of these icy nights. It's a warming, friendly sound she and her band make, an ideal backdrop for schmoozing, but equally worthy of your scrutiny. There's much more to an Annah Dániel gig than Annah Dániel, though, her ever loyal and flexible band being the surprise package.
During a set Annah often allows the musicians the spotlight letting them flex their instrumental muscles. Last week at The Long Jazz Club Dániel was accompanied by Ákos György on keyboards and Viktor Hárs on sumptuous bass. These guys are accomplished jazzers with an agenda all their own, playing unobtrusive and restrained but deft arrangements of the aforesaid standards. The full band also comprises Imre Kőszegi or Ferenc Csomós on drums, István Gyárfás playing guitar and Dénes Markovics blowing sax. This entire ensemble can be heard on the recently released Annah Again, a CD and cassette sequal to last year's Hot Swing Again, both on sale at the band's gigs.

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